
The beginning.

Everyone and everything has one and since we’re so close to the beginning of this blog and my journey down the path to More! I thought this would be the time to share it with my readers.  All two you.  And so without any further delay let me tell you a story about Evernote, John Chow, and my inspiration.

November 3rd I was looking into how to get a little more out of one of my favorite Android applications called Evernote.  We’ll talk more about this in the future because it’s simply one of the THE BEST applications you’ll ever use.  So in typical fashion I’m bounced to to watch a video about the finer points of website clipping with Evernote.  And at the end of the video I wanted more information so I searched, and up pops an offering about using Evernote to transform your office into a paperless office by some guy named John Chow.  So as I’m watching this guy makes an impression.  He’s a good communicator and makes a few compelling points about why going paperless (yes that’s another topic we’ll talk about soon) is a great way to minimize your clutter, organize your life and basically live better.

At the end of the video there’s a link to  Thinking that there might be some more information there about Evernote, I clicked through.  I was like Alice falling down the rabbit hole.

The first thing that caught my eye was a video on the front page called “The Dot
Com Lifestyle
.”  Go watch it right now.  I’ll be here when you get back…

That hooked me.  I was packing my bags, my office, and moving to Wonderland.  Why?  A long time ago I embraced the fact that time was the most important resource you have.  The only thing we can do is make the most of the time we’re given.  That’s what John was doing that day, in the park, with his daughter – making the most of his day with one of the most important people in his life.

That was the inception point for More! and the ball started rolling.  I knew that I could get more quality content in my life, I could do more in my life, and I could be more than I am today.   If this had value for me I knew it would have value for other people.

A lot of life isn’t a destination, it’s a journey.  I’m on the journey to More!  You’re invited to come along.